Musical Billy Elliot Zurich

Maag Halle Hardstrasse 219, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland

01.11.2024 – 23.03.2025 @MAAG Halle| MAAG Moments | Billy Elliot

Costume Sale Opera House Zurich Kostümverkauf

Fundus Opera House Binzmühlstrasse 210, Zurich, Switzerland

The Zurich Opera House opens its treasure trove, the costume shop (Binzmühlstrasse 210 in Oerlikon), and offers numerous costumes, accessories, masks, hats, wigs and fabrics for sale. Around 3000 costumes on more than 100 costume trolleys from productions performed in recent years, such as Sweeney Todd, Amerika, Barkouf, Land des Lächelns and Monteverdi, are available […]



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