Bernd Luz, a successful international pop artist, presented his automotive themed paintings “Racing Legends” (acrylic on canvas originals) in the Foxx Gallery in Zurich. The motifs of the works are created as a digital composition and then painted painted with a mixed media technique on canvas.
The artist exhibits nowadays in renowned automobile museums as well as in the Katharinen Palace in St. Petersburg and in the National Museum of Kazakhstan.
Having over 80 exhibitions in the past 5 years the artist travels a lot but still enjoys his atelier moments in the quietregion in southern Germany close to the Swiss border, his shared in a short interview with me.
For years the Foxx Gallery’s focus has been Pop Art „made in Europe“. Owner Claudine Francine Bandi is constantly maintaining partnerships with both internationally well established and newcomer artists.
Foxx Gallery
Rämistrasse 33
Zurich, Switzerland